
COM – PLAN enhancement Sitetalk Unaico

The BV required in any 30 day period for qualification for the Member status „Basic, Bronze or Gold“ (149 BV,
500 BV, 2000 BV) can also be accumulated in the following manner:
The accumulated BV for all purchases made using the Members personal user name will be valued with 100%
towards the member’s qualification (upgrade) to Basic, Bronze or Gold. The accumulated BV in any 30 day
period flushes and the new 30 day period begins with ZERO BV in regard to qualification purposes.
The accumulated BV for all purchases made from all personally sponsored/referred SiteTalk users, Unaico
Members will be valued with 25% towards the member’s/sponsor’s qualification (upgrade) to Basic, Bronze
or Gold. The accumulated BV in any 30 day period flushes and the new 30 day period begins with ZERO BV in
regard to qualification purposes.
200 BV
200 BV 600 BV 500 BV 2000 BV
50 = 25% 150 = 25% 125 = 25% 500 = 25%
Your total BV towards qualification = 1025 BV
With this example you would have achieved the Bronze Member Status

Pending Sitetalk members - Cross Sign

When some members create their accounts on sitetalk their account is setup successfully but they  not showed in downline or Network Tree. They just show in "Your Personal Sitetalk Members" and in front of their name Cross Sign X shows.This is not a problem at all dont worry about that these are your pending members they will soon show in your downline or Network Tree . Sitetalk Unaico is upgrading their systems and creating a policy from which FAKE Accounts on sitetalk would remove without any complaints. In pakistan, bangladesh and many other asian countries many members create FAKE account to grow their income after ending of this upgradation process Each member must provide their Mobile Phone no for Account Verification.
Dear members. Due to on-going system enhancements and verification methods in Sitetalk and Unaico sign-up processes, some of the new SiteTalk users could be placed into the pending queue for registration in the Unaico system. Sitetalk users that experience these problems must contact support with their user names and email addresses so It Management can identify and help out. Please help IT Management of Sitetalk and Unaico.

Sitetalk Unaico 1BV, Triumph and Challenge

With immediate effect we are concluding phase 1 of the 1BV programme.
We have now almost 8 million SiteTalk accounts.
408 days (without 1BV programme) to get to 1million member accounts
28 days to 2 million
14 days to 3 million
10 days to 4 million
7 days to 5 million
5 days to 6 million
4 days to 7 million is ranked #2,776 in the world according to the three-month Alexa traffic
rankings. This places us higher than some of the largest companies in the direct selling

We have paid out millions of 1BV commissions in the seven weeks of the promotion’s phase
1, and we are delighted to have done so.
The promotion grabbed the imagination of hundreds of thousands and the activity levels went
through the roof. We totally under-estimated the power the promotion would have and also
the pressure this would create on our systems and IT architecture. It high-lighted problems
we have never had before and has acted as an amazing stress-testing exercise for all of our

We have learned an incredible amount about our strengths and weaknesses. Some of it good.
Some of it not so good.

One of the challenges highlighted by it all is that we had inadequacies in the area of
verification and fraud prevention. People have taken advantage of the promotion and through
the creation of fake accounts have sought to profiteer and gain rewards without adding any
value what so ever.

Frankly, one of the things it has taught us is about the pressure created by merging a social
network and direct selling opportunity, and we have to scale up and ramp up our Member
Support and IT infra-structure accordingly.

We now need to go back the drawing board, take onboard all that it has taught us, improve
our systems and processes, implement and plan, scale up human and IT resources, and get
ready for phase 2 of the 1BV promotion. There will also be a fair amount of cleaning up of
issues and challenges created over the last seven weeks, and we would ask you for your
continued patience. Our thinking about this is to use similar dynamics to reward the creation
of SiteTalk communities, but this time give you tools and techniques to really drive it, and
drive it without the challenges you will have experienced in the last few weeks.
This is not a process that will be measured in a few short days, but certainly weeks. We
anticipate that the next phase will roll out within eight weeks, but we will keep you posted.
One of our key learnings is that communication was probably our greatest failure – we will
not let that happen again.

In the meanwhile, we thank you for your passion and enthusiasm. Our business model
continues to prove itself and our company has never been stronger. Our success is linked,
yours and ours – we know this and live with this truth in our hearts. Our commitment back to
you is that we do everything we can to safeguard our and your business, and together we will
take this right to the top.

What we know now, beyond any doubt, is that we together have the power to build a business
that will unify the World and give opportunity to All.

Message Of Dan Andreson about Maintenance of Servers.

The IT team are working flat out to get our systems back up to speed after the phenomenal member acquisition created by Phase 1 of the 1BV programme. 

We are putting new IT teams in place in several different Global locations and working multiple shifts in Singapore IT department. Our focus is to get the basic sign-up on both SiteTalk and Unaico smooth and friction free, make sure the OFC platform is robust, and obviously that payments are processed accurately on time. The follow up on past errors and mistakes is also on the list of priorities. 

Thanks for your continued patience, 

Dan Andersson
Unaico Holding Ltd 

PS: It was brought to my attention that we have had several instances of browser issues, i.e. Firefox was working for signups, and Mosaic and Explorer (IE) wasn't. Also, interestingly, different versions of IE was giving a different result. My tip of the day: update your browsers to be the latest versions! But IT are working on it and it appears that sign-up is working again across most or all platforms.

Sitetalk Unaico Advanced Leader Ship Training in Murre.

These are some Clips of Advanced Training of TOP 80 Sitetalk Unaico Leaders.

Sitetalk Unaico Validation Error

While Upgrading Process Of Sitetalk and Unaico Many Users cant Make their accounts on sitetalk and unaico. Whenever they wants to create account Validation Error Occurs. Hopefully this process will complete in one or two weeks.

Why Validation Error Occurs?
This is due to the high signup volume and user traffic. Members of sitetalk are growing Day by Day IT department of Unaico are Facing Many Difficulties in Mainting System. So they are Upgrading their system to provide Best Service to All Sitetalk Members. Many New Features like Photo Tagging, Video Uploading , Automatic Photo Tagging, Mobile Services will expect to add in sitetalk social community after finishing Upgrade Process.