Android reaches 500,000 device activations per day
Android activations are growing 4.4% week-to-week. This is a significant number because it means that Android is gaining momentum heading into the slower summer buying season and later this year into the back-to-school and holiday busy seasons. This may well be seen as an indication that the summer is no longer a sleeping period, but actually good for e-business.
Facebook looses 6 million users in the US
Facebook in the United States lost nearly 6 million users, falling from 155.2 million at the start of May to 149.4 million at the end of it. This is the first time the country has lost users in the past year. Canada also fell significantly, by 1.52 million down to 16.6 million. In the light of Google's launch of Google+ it will be very interesting to see if Facebook keeps its dominating position over the months to come.
Google joins the social world
With a worldwide launch of the new service Google+, the search engine giant has now made their official entrance into the world of social networks. The entrance of Google into the business will no doubt create an even bigger media hype, and is definite proof that the business we are in is still growing and is expected to continue to grow for years to come.
Pending Sitetalk members
Due to a substantial increase of questions relating to pending Sitetalk members, our response time has not been to our normal standards. We are very sorry for this and assure you that we will answer all queries as soon as possible. Should your new contact be planning to make a purchase of any of the advantage packages, it is currently faster to sign up through Sitetalk members that experience problems with pending status can contact support by selecting the category Business Building Support Queries and write in Subject: “Pending Sitetalk member”. Then provide the Customer Support with the username, email address, member ID and please also include details regarding referrer and placement. Please help us by informing your team about this as soon as possible so we can help more efficiently. During a transition period, the activation will still take a few days. We thank you for your patience and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you. This challenge will be eradicated very soon. |
Sitetalk Unaico News Update about 1BV Bonus
Last week a strategy meeting was held at the new 7000 square feet head office here in Singapore. It was a great success, and we are all delighted to share with you some of the highlights from the topics discussed:
- A board of directors has been founded for Unaico, which will have the responsibility for the strategy of the company.
- An improved communication department is now being implemented, in order to both improve and increase the communication with you all. Results of this will start to show very soon.
- The second phase of the 1 BV program is being finalized, and the target launch date is set for August.
- Improvements are being made in the SiteTalk and Unaico systems, in order to minimize the waiting time, as well as improve the overall user experience.
- New payment system gateways, providing you all with access to payment solutions, will be introduced shortly.
- As per our members request, we have created a completely new backend system, which will be fully functional at the end of September, with key improvements introduced at regular intervals prior to this date. This system will solve the challenges from the past, and will greatly help you to increase the member base beyond 100 million users!
COM – PLAN enhancement Sitetalk Unaico
The BV required in any 30 day period for qualification for the Member status „Basic, Bronze or Gold“ (149 BV,
500 BV, 2000 BV) can also be accumulated in the following manner:
The accumulated BV for all purchases made using the Members personal user name will be valued with 100%
towards the member’s qualification (upgrade) to Basic, Bronze or Gold. The accumulated BV in any 30 day
period flushes and the new 30 day period begins with ZERO BV in regard to qualification purposes.
The accumulated BV for all purchases made from all personally sponsored/referred SiteTalk users, Unaico
Members will be valued with 25% towards the member’s/sponsor’s qualification (upgrade) to Basic, Bronze
or Gold. The accumulated BV in any 30 day period flushes and the new 30 day period begins with ZERO BV in
regard to qualification purposes.
200 BV
200 BV 600 BV 500 BV 2000 BV
50 = 25% 150 = 25% 125 = 25% 500 = 25%
Your total BV towards qualification = 1025 BV
With this example you would have achieved the Bronze Member Status
500 BV, 2000 BV) can also be accumulated in the following manner:
The accumulated BV for all purchases made using the Members personal user name will be valued with 100%
towards the member’s qualification (upgrade) to Basic, Bronze or Gold. The accumulated BV in any 30 day
period flushes and the new 30 day period begins with ZERO BV in regard to qualification purposes.
The accumulated BV for all purchases made from all personally sponsored/referred SiteTalk users, Unaico
Members will be valued with 25% towards the member’s/sponsor’s qualification (upgrade) to Basic, Bronze
or Gold. The accumulated BV in any 30 day period flushes and the new 30 day period begins with ZERO BV in
regard to qualification purposes.
200 BV
200 BV 600 BV 500 BV 2000 BV
50 = 25% 150 = 25% 125 = 25% 500 = 25%
Your total BV towards qualification = 1025 BV
With this example you would have achieved the Bronze Member Status
Pending Sitetalk members - Cross Sign
When some members create their accounts on sitetalk their account is setup successfully but they not showed in downline or Network Tree. They just show in "Your Personal Sitetalk Members" and in front of their name Cross Sign X shows.This is not a problem at all dont worry about that these are your pending members they will soon show in your downline or Network Tree . Sitetalk Unaico is upgrading their systems and creating a policy from which FAKE Accounts on sitetalk would remove without any complaints. In pakistan, bangladesh and many other asian countries many members create FAKE account to grow their income after ending of this upgradation process Each member must provide their Mobile Phone no for Account Verification.
Dear members. Due to on-going system enhancements and verification methods in Sitetalk and Unaico sign-up processes, some of the new SiteTalk users could be placed into the pending queue for registration in the Unaico system. Sitetalk users that experience these problems must contact support with their user names and email addresses so It Management can identify and help out. Please help IT Management of Sitetalk and Unaico.
Dear members. Due to on-going system enhancements and verification methods in Sitetalk and Unaico sign-up processes, some of the new SiteTalk users could be placed into the pending queue for registration in the Unaico system. Sitetalk users that experience these problems must contact support with their user names and email addresses so It Management can identify and help out. Please help IT Management of Sitetalk and Unaico.
Sitetalk Unaico 1BV, Triumph and Challenge
With immediate effect we are concluding phase 1 of the 1BV programme.
We have now almost 8 million SiteTalk accounts.
408 days (without 1BV programme) to get to 1million member accounts
28 days to 2 million
14 days to 3 million
10 days to 4 million
7 days to 5 million
5 days to 6 million
4 days to 7 million is ranked #2,776 in the world according to the three-month Alexa traffic
rankings. This places us higher than some of the largest companies in the direct selling
We have paid out millions of 1BV commissions in the seven weeks of the promotion’s phase
1, and we are delighted to have done so.
The promotion grabbed the imagination of hundreds of thousands and the activity levels went
through the roof. We totally under-estimated the power the promotion would have and also
the pressure this would create on our systems and IT architecture. It high-lighted problems
we have never had before and has acted as an amazing stress-testing exercise for all of our
We have learned an incredible amount about our strengths and weaknesses. Some of it good.
Some of it not so good.
One of the challenges highlighted by it all is that we had inadequacies in the area of
verification and fraud prevention. People have taken advantage of the promotion and through
the creation of fake accounts have sought to profiteer and gain rewards without adding any
value what so ever.
Frankly, one of the things it has taught us is about the pressure created by merging a social
network and direct selling opportunity, and we have to scale up and ramp up our Member
Support and IT infra-structure accordingly.
We now need to go back the drawing board, take onboard all that it has taught us, improve
our systems and processes, implement and plan, scale up human and IT resources, and get
ready for phase 2 of the 1BV promotion. There will also be a fair amount of cleaning up of
issues and challenges created over the last seven weeks, and we would ask you for your
continued patience. Our thinking about this is to use similar dynamics to reward the creation
of SiteTalk communities, but this time give you tools and techniques to really drive it, and
drive it without the challenges you will have experienced in the last few weeks.
This is not a process that will be measured in a few short days, but certainly weeks. We
anticipate that the next phase will roll out within eight weeks, but we will keep you posted.
One of our key learnings is that communication was probably our greatest failure – we will
not let that happen again.
In the meanwhile, we thank you for your passion and enthusiasm. Our business model
continues to prove itself and our company has never been stronger. Our success is linked,
yours and ours – we know this and live with this truth in our hearts. Our commitment back to
you is that we do everything we can to safeguard our and your business, and together we will
take this right to the top.
What we know now, beyond any doubt, is that we together have the power to build a business
that will unify the World and give opportunity to All.
We have now almost 8 million SiteTalk accounts.
408 days (without 1BV programme) to get to 1million member accounts
28 days to 2 million
14 days to 3 million
10 days to 4 million
7 days to 5 million
5 days to 6 million
4 days to 7 million is ranked #2,776 in the world according to the three-month Alexa traffic
rankings. This places us higher than some of the largest companies in the direct selling
We have paid out millions of 1BV commissions in the seven weeks of the promotion’s phase
1, and we are delighted to have done so.
The promotion grabbed the imagination of hundreds of thousands and the activity levels went
through the roof. We totally under-estimated the power the promotion would have and also
the pressure this would create on our systems and IT architecture. It high-lighted problems
we have never had before and has acted as an amazing stress-testing exercise for all of our
We have learned an incredible amount about our strengths and weaknesses. Some of it good.
Some of it not so good.
One of the challenges highlighted by it all is that we had inadequacies in the area of
verification and fraud prevention. People have taken advantage of the promotion and through
the creation of fake accounts have sought to profiteer and gain rewards without adding any
value what so ever.
Frankly, one of the things it has taught us is about the pressure created by merging a social
network and direct selling opportunity, and we have to scale up and ramp up our Member
Support and IT infra-structure accordingly.
We now need to go back the drawing board, take onboard all that it has taught us, improve
our systems and processes, implement and plan, scale up human and IT resources, and get
ready for phase 2 of the 1BV promotion. There will also be a fair amount of cleaning up of
issues and challenges created over the last seven weeks, and we would ask you for your
continued patience. Our thinking about this is to use similar dynamics to reward the creation
of SiteTalk communities, but this time give you tools and techniques to really drive it, and
drive it without the challenges you will have experienced in the last few weeks.
This is not a process that will be measured in a few short days, but certainly weeks. We
anticipate that the next phase will roll out within eight weeks, but we will keep you posted.
One of our key learnings is that communication was probably our greatest failure – we will
not let that happen again.
In the meanwhile, we thank you for your passion and enthusiasm. Our business model
continues to prove itself and our company has never been stronger. Our success is linked,
yours and ours – we know this and live with this truth in our hearts. Our commitment back to
you is that we do everything we can to safeguard our and your business, and together we will
take this right to the top.
What we know now, beyond any doubt, is that we together have the power to build a business
that will unify the World and give opportunity to All.
Message Of Dan Andreson about Maintenance of Servers.
The IT team are working flat out to get our systems back up to speed after the phenomenal member acquisition created by Phase 1 of the 1BV programme.
We are putting new IT teams in place in several different Global locations and working multiple shifts in Singapore IT department. Our focus is to get the basic sign-up on both SiteTalk and Unaico smooth and friction free, make sure the OFC platform is robust, and obviously that payments are processed accurately on time. The follow up on past errors and mistakes is also on the list of priorities.
Thanks for your continued patience,
Dan Andersson
Unaico Holding Ltd
PS: It was brought to my attention that we have had several instances of browser issues, i.e. Firefox was working for signups, and Mosaic and Explorer (IE) wasn't. Also, interestingly, different versions of IE was giving a different result. My tip of the day: update your browsers to be the latest versions! But IT are working on it and it appears that sign-up is working again across most or all platforms.
We are putting new IT teams in place in several different Global locations and working multiple shifts in Singapore IT department. Our focus is to get the basic sign-up on both SiteTalk and Unaico smooth and friction free, make sure the OFC platform is robust, and obviously that payments are processed accurately on time. The follow up on past errors and mistakes is also on the list of priorities.
Thanks for your continued patience,
Dan Andersson
Unaico Holding Ltd
PS: It was brought to my attention that we have had several instances of browser issues, i.e. Firefox was working for signups, and Mosaic and Explorer (IE) wasn't. Also, interestingly, different versions of IE was giving a different result. My tip of the day: update your browsers to be the latest versions! But IT are working on it and it appears that sign-up is working again across most or all platforms.
Sitetalk Unaico Advanced Leader Ship Training in Murre.
These are some Clips of Advanced Training of TOP 80 Sitetalk Unaico Leaders.
Sitetalk Unaico Validation Error
While Upgrading Process Of Sitetalk and Unaico Many Users cant Make their accounts on sitetalk and unaico. Whenever they wants to create account Validation Error Occurs. Hopefully this process will complete in one or two weeks.
Why Validation Error Occurs?
This is due to the high signup volume and user traffic. Members of sitetalk are growing Day by Day IT department of Unaico are Facing Many Difficulties in Mainting System. So they are Upgrading their system to provide Best Service to All Sitetalk Members. Many New Features like Photo Tagging, Video Uploading , Automatic Photo Tagging, Mobile Services will expect to add in sitetalk social community after finishing Upgrade Process.
Why Validation Error Occurs?
This is due to the high signup volume and user traffic. Members of sitetalk are growing Day by Day IT department of Unaico are Facing Many Difficulties in Mainting System. So they are Upgrading their system to provide Best Service to All Sitetalk Members. Many New Features like Photo Tagging, Video Uploading , Automatic Photo Tagging, Mobile Services will expect to add in sitetalk social community after finishing Upgrade Process.
What is Network Marketing?
The simplest explanation of network marketing is that it is a method of marketing that utilizes independent representatives to reach potential customers that a company otherwise would not reach with traditional online or offline marketing methods.
In order to accomplish this, network marketing companies and their associates recruit individuals I.E. “their sales force,” just like other companies and franchises, have done for years, take for example the insurance industry.
How often have you seen ads on television that use the term, “Independent Insurance Agent or Associate?”
Yet, as we watch these advertisements we naturally assume they are employees of the company, when in reality they are independent business owners!
No doubt you have noticed as you have driven through your neighborhood many of these small businesses, they have signs and other advertisements designed to draw your attention to them.
Yet, you will rarely see advertising from the approximately 13 million people who are either involved with direct selling, or in the network marketing industry according to figures by the Direct Selling Association (DSA).
There is distinct difference between us and them, in most cases they are assigned an exclusive territory and therefore cannot market outside of their assigned territory. Where as in network marketing in most cases, you can market just about anywhere your company is established!
Why are companies willing to pay you to market for them…
…Why don’t they just utilize the internet or other traditional marketing methods?
It’s quite simple, they want access to your network, that is your network of friends and family members! Today there are hundreds of companies offering products and services. Many of these products and services you recognize by their brand name!
The products and services you can market today cover everything from Communication Services, Internet Access, Nutritional Products, Weight Loss Programs, Water Filtration Systems, Financial Programs, Electrical Power, Solar Power, just to name a few.
So why do they need us? Traditional marketing methods have companies spending millions of dollars each year to market their products and services.
They know that word-of-mouth marketing is a far more powerful and effective method of marketing, especially, when that message comes from those whom we know and trust!
And these companies are more than willing to pay you, to communicate this message to your network of friends and family.
It is extremely important to understand that this method of marketing is not about bugging your friends and family members, as many would love for you to believe.
It is about your ability and skill to determine from those individuals within your circle of influence who would be interested in the products or services that your company has to offer…
… That information alone is one of the critical elements that separates those who fail, from those who go on to become very successful!
And occasionally you might uncover a few individuals, who also want to start a business!
If on the other hand, you’re only in it for the money or you just don’t like dealing with people well then…
… You’ll most likely end up failing!
Personally I’ve found running a network marketing business to be a very rewarding. While it does give you the freedom from punching someone else’s clock, now you’ll be punching your clock and will have to hold yourself accountable!
If your currently employed the training you’ll get from having a network marketing business will give you a deeper appreciation of what your employer has to deal with on a daily basis. You will also become a far better communicator, someone who really listens and address the wants and needs of others!
With the economy the way it is today, working from home makes more sense then acquiring a second job in order to make ends meet. And thats if you can find one!
Throughout this site, you’ll find additional pages and resources that will help give you a deeper understanding; pages like network marketing training, understanding compensation plans, and much more…
In order to accomplish this, network marketing companies and their associates recruit individuals I.E. “their sales force,” just like other companies and franchises, have done for years, take for example the insurance industry.
Yet, as we watch these advertisements we naturally assume they are employees of the company, when in reality they are independent business owners!
No doubt you have noticed as you have driven through your neighborhood many of these small businesses, they have signs and other advertisements designed to draw your attention to them.
Yet, you will rarely see advertising from the approximately 13 million people who are either involved with direct selling, or in the network marketing industry according to figures by the Direct Selling Association (DSA).
There is distinct difference between us and them, in most cases they are assigned an exclusive territory and therefore cannot market outside of their assigned territory. Where as in network marketing in most cases, you can market just about anywhere your company is established!
Why are companies willing to pay you to market for them…
…Why don’t they just utilize the internet or other traditional marketing methods?
It’s quite simple, they want access to your network, that is your network of friends and family members! Today there are hundreds of companies offering products and services. Many of these products and services you recognize by their brand name!
The products and services you can market today cover everything from Communication Services, Internet Access, Nutritional Products, Weight Loss Programs, Water Filtration Systems, Financial Programs, Electrical Power, Solar Power, just to name a few.
So why do they need us? Traditional marketing methods have companies spending millions of dollars each year to market their products and services.
They know that word-of-mouth marketing is a far more powerful and effective method of marketing, especially, when that message comes from those whom we know and trust!
And these companies are more than willing to pay you, to communicate this message to your network of friends and family.
It is extremely important to understand that this method of marketing is not about bugging your friends and family members, as many would love for you to believe.
It is about your ability and skill to determine from those individuals within your circle of influence who would be interested in the products or services that your company has to offer…
… That information alone is one of the critical elements that separates those who fail, from those who go on to become very successful!
And occasionally you might uncover a few individuals, who also want to start a business!
I truly believe Robert Kiyosaki summed it up nicely; it really is the business school for people who like helping people!If you want to call your own shots in life, if you’re willing to get the education you will need to run a small business, if you enjoy working with people, then network marketing just might be right kind of business for you.
If on the other hand, you’re only in it for the money or you just don’t like dealing with people well then…
… You’ll most likely end up failing!
Personally I’ve found running a network marketing business to be a very rewarding. While it does give you the freedom from punching someone else’s clock, now you’ll be punching your clock and will have to hold yourself accountable!
If your currently employed the training you’ll get from having a network marketing business will give you a deeper appreciation of what your employer has to deal with on a daily basis. You will also become a far better communicator, someone who really listens and address the wants and needs of others!
With the economy the way it is today, working from home makes more sense then acquiring a second job in order to make ends meet. And thats if you can find one!
Throughout this site, you’ll find additional pages and resources that will help give you a deeper understanding; pages like network marketing training, understanding compensation plans, and much more…
What is Network Placement Sponsorship?
Check this video to learn How to set Network placement sponsorship in Unaico .
You can Adjust Your New Members Position. If you want to Join you friends on Right Side So Choose Right Position. And if you want to Join Your Friend on Left Side So Choose Left Position.
Simply Check…..
Left or Right
And Press “ Enter Network Placement †Button.
Network Marketing Companies in pakistan
Here is the List of Some Fast Growing Network Marketing Companies in Pakistan that are running successful Business. As a Network Marketer I Studied All The Plans and all the theories of Network Marketing Companies who Launch in Pakistan. If you want to Start Your Own Network Marketing Business with or without investment or without Purchasing then i will Not Only Guide you but Teach you Basic and Advance Strategies of Network Marketing.
List of Network Marketing Companies in Pakistan.
Unaico Sitetalk
If you want to start your Own Network Marketing Business without Spending a single Cent or without any Risk of Loss then Unaico Sitetalk is the Best Opportunity for You . This Company Has Powerful Management with over 200 Years of Experience Unaico Sitetalk Provides us a complete Platform to Start Network marketing Business By Various Ways like investing , Purchasing , even you can start it free.
Gold Mine International GMI. GMI helps you by being your own boss and make stupendous amounts of profit all from the comfort of your living room. With GMI, you are not just an entrepreneur, but a leader as well who rides forth to aid people realize their dream the way he did; the dream of financial freedom. Many Peoples are Changed their Live by working just 2 or 3 months in GMI during 2008. But now its not possible to Earn Enough from GMi the Reason is that The Company is Using a Network Marketing PLAN that is called PONZI Scheme .Many Pakistani Dont know about PONZI scheme . A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation that pays returns to separate investors, not from any actual profit earned by the organization, but from their own money or money paid by subsequent investors. The Ponzi scheme usually entices new investors by offering returns other investments cannot guarantee, in the form of short-term returns that are either abnormally high or unusually consistent. The perpetuation of the returns that a Ponzi scheme advertises and pays requires an ever-increasing flow of money from investors to keep the scheme going.
Energetic Marketing International EMI . This Company is using the plan Same Like Gold Mine international and owned by Previous Team Leader Of Gold Mine International Mr. Zafar Ali Rana from karachi. Company is Registered in Malaysia. PLAN of Company is 35 Dollars on each 3/3 Sales. in other words EMI is the Improved Version of GMI but the problem in it is same as in GMI that is Pozni Scheme.
We at the three MillionaireX programs know that people want a stable online money-making program allied to a good-value product and that is why, as you read further down this page and you study our entire website, including the comprehensive Questions section, you will come to understand that we want to promote home businesses that will stand the test of time. This is done by having a solid foundation upon which we and you together can build our stable yet rewarding future.
As a member of Club Asteria you have access to a variety of Programs, Products and Services that make everything easier for you. Whether you want to educate yourself to get a better job, learn something new to improve your station in life, support your family and friends financially, start a new business, save money by shopping at great discounts, travel the world – no matter what you are looking for – it’s all here at your fingertips!
The Exclusive Tools listed here are brought to you directly by Club Asteria; others link to third party vendors who have partnered with us. We are very selective in our partner choices; we work only with the best and most experienced companies that have an excellent reputation and are known for their integrity and highest customer service values
List of Network Marketing Companies in Pakistan.
Unaico Sitetalk
If you want to start your Own Network Marketing Business without Spending a single Cent or without any Risk of Loss then Unaico Sitetalk is the Best Opportunity for You . This Company Has Powerful Management with over 200 Years of Experience Unaico Sitetalk Provides us a complete Platform to Start Network marketing Business By Various Ways like investing , Purchasing , even you can start it free.
Gold Mine International GMI. GMI helps you by being your own boss and make stupendous amounts of profit all from the comfort of your living room. With GMI, you are not just an entrepreneur, but a leader as well who rides forth to aid people realize their dream the way he did; the dream of financial freedom. Many Peoples are Changed their Live by working just 2 or 3 months in GMI during 2008. But now its not possible to Earn Enough from GMi the Reason is that The Company is Using a Network Marketing PLAN that is called PONZI Scheme .Many Pakistani Dont know about PONZI scheme . A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation that pays returns to separate investors, not from any actual profit earned by the organization, but from their own money or money paid by subsequent investors. The Ponzi scheme usually entices new investors by offering returns other investments cannot guarantee, in the form of short-term returns that are either abnormally high or unusually consistent. The perpetuation of the returns that a Ponzi scheme advertises and pays requires an ever-increasing flow of money from investors to keep the scheme going.
Energetic Marketing International EMI . This Company is using the plan Same Like Gold Mine international and owned by Previous Team Leader Of Gold Mine International Mr. Zafar Ali Rana from karachi. Company is Registered in Malaysia. PLAN of Company is 35 Dollars on each 3/3 Sales. in other words EMI is the Improved Version of GMI but the problem in it is same as in GMI that is Pozni Scheme.
Millionaire X1
In this fast-paced world, it seems that people everywhere are looking to get rich as fast as possible. While this is understandable, it is hardly ever attained in reality. Partly this is because online programs proliferate so quickly and then disappear just as fast. Easy come, easy go is the motto that springs to mind. But we aim to be an exception to this philosophy of here today, gone tomorrow companies.We at the three MillionaireX programs know that people want a stable online money-making program allied to a good-value product and that is why, as you read further down this page and you study our entire website, including the comprehensive Questions section, you will come to understand that we want to promote home businesses that will stand the test of time. This is done by having a solid foundation upon which we and you together can build our stable yet rewarding future.
As a member of Club Asteria you have access to a variety of Programs, Products and Services that make everything easier for you. Whether you want to educate yourself to get a better job, learn something new to improve your station in life, support your family and friends financially, start a new business, save money by shopping at great discounts, travel the world – no matter what you are looking for – it’s all here at your fingertips!
The Exclusive Tools listed here are brought to you directly by Club Asteria; others link to third party vendors who have partnered with us. We are very selective in our partner choices; we work only with the best and most experienced companies that have an excellent reputation and are known for their integrity and highest customer service values
Group Structure
Registration No. in
Hong Kong: 1370282
Registration No. in
Singapore: 201009874Z
Registration No. in
Hong Kong: 1370282
Registration No. in
Singapore: 201009874Z
Registration No. in
Hong Kong: 1370282
Registration No. in
Singapore: 201009874Z
Unaico / Sitetalk Offices Around the world
The greatest business opportunity of our time
Every now and then, maybe twice or three times in a lifetime, an opportunity comes along that has the potential to change your life in a pivota lway. They are usually to do with fundamental changes in the technological landscape, or political, social, and economic frameworkof our lives. For instance, to give a specific examples, something asconcrete as the microwave oven, something no one had, became a universal appliance that everyone has. If you are forty years old, if you stop to think about it, you can remember a time when you did not have a mobile phone, but if you are younger than that a mobile phone and permanent connectivity is something you have always had. Computers is the same paradigm-shifting product. And the Internet even more so.
Did you make a fortune on microwave ovens, mobile phones, computers or the Internet?
If you didn't, you know exactly what we are driving at here. And if you did, you understand even more so.
In our time, the number one business opportunity in the world is not the web, it is web 2.0.
Web 2.0 and Social Networking
According to Microsoft we have passed a significant watershed: now for the first time people are spending more time online than they spend watching television. For the younger generation this is self-evident, and for the older folks something that is hard to get our heads around. The fundamental shift in how the web is driving business is this: at first it was largely about creating a network that was a meaningful communication platform; then it became about driving traffic, SEO(search engine optimisation) and getting eyeballs on websites; but the trend now is in how people on the web are connecting to each other and how in that process they are largely creating the content of the web. Social Networking Communities, well deservedly, is recognised by analysts and pundits as a force of change that is literally unimaginable in its scope.
Unaico is giving you the opportunity to be part of this revolution and capitalise on it directly -- to make money on a certain world-changing trend.
How would it work for you is our Social Networking Community platform. In the first instance you would join as a member of Site-Talk and enjoy the networking, communication and sharing opportunities built into our state of the art platform de-signed by award-winning developers.
Over time you would recommend it to friends and family, people you know today and people in the future you don't know yet. Over time, though the geometric progression inherent in how networks work, with a few people finding a few people who in turn find a few, you will build up a vast network of people, the majority of which you wouldn't even know. As products and services are made available to to the dozens, hundreds and thousands of people in your SiteTalk net-work, sales would be generated and on this sales-volume commissions would be calculated... and given to you as a thanks for bringing these members to our community.
Sounds too simple?
Consider this: Facebook after four years has 400 million members. In four years! How did every single one of them join? Because someone recommended it. Word of mouth in the 21st century...
What sort of opportunity "range" is there here?
The majority of members of Unaico will, ultimately, just be social members enjoying the benefits of using the platform. The commission plan for the ones that opt into the opportunity might "just" qualify them for purchases of occasional goods or services -- free bonus items or gifts, call them what you will, but a free insurance, debit card, hotel stay or nutritional supplement is a nice way for us to say, "Thank you for recommending our community."
Others will see that what was at first a surprise bonus, turned into a trickle, and then grew into a steady stream of sup-plemental income. And just with a little bit of maintenance this supplemental income could grow, changing someone'sbreak-even budget into a real lifestyle changer. The difference between having a holiday this year or not, between taking your wife out for dinner this week or not, between having an old car or a new one.
Of course, in a community that numbers millions of members, literally thousands will approach the Unaico opportunity in a serious manner, and put in significant effort to earn a significant primary income. And finally, there will be the few that approach it totally differently --they will see that opportunities like Unaico only come along once or twice in a lifetime. These people will commit and will make Unaico the vehicle with which to fulfill their dreams. We anticipate that we will create more millionaires than any other company in Direct Selling hasdone; we believe that we will give dot-com millionaire numbers a run for the money.
What can a person expect to earn?
We don't give income projections in a simplistic fashion. It is impossible. Like most menus will tell you, there is no such thing as a free lunch. If you put 20 items on eBay you know that you will get some sales, but it is impossible to say how much. And significant commissions usually involve significant efforts.
What is the timing and why is it so powerful?
The timing is phenomenal. Everyone is getting online. Everyone online is going to be a member of multiple communities.
Consider that using an online community at the centre of the business model gives you a number of benefits in Direct Selling terms: like never before can you have a fast friction-free method to add people to your business; you have no geographical limits to how you can expand your business Globally; you have built in to the business an automatic communication, coordination and training platform; you have a thing you are promoting that everyone is interested in, as social communities and web 2.0 is what everyone is talking about now; and finally, in terms of duplicatable process and helping new people get started and getting early success, the one thing that people have to do to be successful is what they join a social community to do -- get their friends to join the programme to enjoy a free and life-enhancing service.
What support will you get
* Training.
* Free back office.
* Promotional tools.
* Company sponsored events.
* Industry-leading recruitment materials.
* Car programme for qualified distributors.
* The best compensation plan in the industry. Probably.
* Motivational incentives, like trips to exotic tropical paradise destinations.
* A whole team of people, both in corporate and in your upline network, 100% dedicated to your success.
What skills do you need?
* Desire.
* Everything else is included in the Unaico opportunity.
How would I get started?
* Decide.
* Speak to the person who invited you.
* Read the materials in the relevant sections of the website.
* Go to a live training.
* Invite people to join SiteTalk. They will be automatically be positioned in your downline. And as they invite people, so will your organisation grow.
Every now and then, maybe twice or three times in a lifetime, an opportunity comes along that has the potential to change your life in a pivota lway. They are usually to do with fundamental changes in the technological landscape, or political, social, and economic frameworkof our lives. For instance, to give a specific examples, something asconcrete as the microwave oven, something no one had, became a universal appliance that everyone has. If you are forty years old, if you stop to think about it, you can remember a time when you did not have a mobile phone, but if you are younger than that a mobile phone and permanent connectivity is something you have always had. Computers is the same paradigm-shifting product. And the Internet even more so.
Did you make a fortune on microwave ovens, mobile phones, computers or the Internet?
If you didn't, you know exactly what we are driving at here. And if you did, you understand even more so.
In our time, the number one business opportunity in the world is not the web, it is web 2.0.
Web 2.0 and Social Networking
According to Microsoft we have passed a significant watershed: now for the first time people are spending more time online than they spend watching television. For the younger generation this is self-evident, and for the older folks something that is hard to get our heads around. The fundamental shift in how the web is driving business is this: at first it was largely about creating a network that was a meaningful communication platform; then it became about driving traffic, SEO(search engine optimisation) and getting eyeballs on websites; but the trend now is in how people on the web are connecting to each other and how in that process they are largely creating the content of the web. Social Networking Communities, well deservedly, is recognised by analysts and pundits as a force of change that is literally unimaginable in its scope.
Unaico is giving you the opportunity to be part of this revolution and capitalise on it directly -- to make money on a certain world-changing trend.
How would it work for you is our Social Networking Community platform. In the first instance you would join as a member of Site-Talk and enjoy the networking, communication and sharing opportunities built into our state of the art platform de-signed by award-winning developers.
Over time you would recommend it to friends and family, people you know today and people in the future you don't know yet. Over time, though the geometric progression inherent in how networks work, with a few people finding a few people who in turn find a few, you will build up a vast network of people, the majority of which you wouldn't even know. As products and services are made available to to the dozens, hundreds and thousands of people in your SiteTalk net-work, sales would be generated and on this sales-volume commissions would be calculated... and given to you as a thanks for bringing these members to our community.
Sounds too simple?
Consider this: Facebook after four years has 400 million members. In four years! How did every single one of them join? Because someone recommended it. Word of mouth in the 21st century...
What sort of opportunity "range" is there here?
The majority of members of Unaico will, ultimately, just be social members enjoying the benefits of using the platform. The commission plan for the ones that opt into the opportunity might "just" qualify them for purchases of occasional goods or services -- free bonus items or gifts, call them what you will, but a free insurance, debit card, hotel stay or nutritional supplement is a nice way for us to say, "Thank you for recommending our community."
Others will see that what was at first a surprise bonus, turned into a trickle, and then grew into a steady stream of sup-plemental income. And just with a little bit of maintenance this supplemental income could grow, changing someone'sbreak-even budget into a real lifestyle changer. The difference between having a holiday this year or not, between taking your wife out for dinner this week or not, between having an old car or a new one.
Of course, in a community that numbers millions of members, literally thousands will approach the Unaico opportunity in a serious manner, and put in significant effort to earn a significant primary income. And finally, there will be the few that approach it totally differently --they will see that opportunities like Unaico only come along once or twice in a lifetime. These people will commit and will make Unaico the vehicle with which to fulfill their dreams. We anticipate that we will create more millionaires than any other company in Direct Selling hasdone; we believe that we will give dot-com millionaire numbers a run for the money.
What can a person expect to earn?
We don't give income projections in a simplistic fashion. It is impossible. Like most menus will tell you, there is no such thing as a free lunch. If you put 20 items on eBay you know that you will get some sales, but it is impossible to say how much. And significant commissions usually involve significant efforts.
What is the timing and why is it so powerful?
The timing is phenomenal. Everyone is getting online. Everyone online is going to be a member of multiple communities.
Consider that using an online community at the centre of the business model gives you a number of benefits in Direct Selling terms: like never before can you have a fast friction-free method to add people to your business; you have no geographical limits to how you can expand your business Globally; you have built in to the business an automatic communication, coordination and training platform; you have a thing you are promoting that everyone is interested in, as social communities and web 2.0 is what everyone is talking about now; and finally, in terms of duplicatable process and helping new people get started and getting early success, the one thing that people have to do to be successful is what they join a social community to do -- get their friends to join the programme to enjoy a free and life-enhancing service.
What support will you get
* Training.
* Free back office.
* Promotional tools.
* Company sponsored events.
* Industry-leading recruitment materials.
* Car programme for qualified distributors.
* The best compensation plan in the industry. Probably.
* Motivational incentives, like trips to exotic tropical paradise destinations.
* A whole team of people, both in corporate and in your upline network, 100% dedicated to your success.
What skills do you need?
* Desire.
* Everything else is included in the Unaico opportunity.
How would I get started?
* Decide.
* Speak to the person who invited you.
* Read the materials in the relevant sections of the website.
* Go to a live training.
* Invite people to join SiteTalk. They will be automatically be positioned in your downline. And as they invite people, so will your organisation grow.
Unaico Talk site Real Or scam
Site Talk since last fall based on their combined social network and online store. In order to win users from Facebook and other networking site with attractive bonuses and discounts.
The idea is reminiscent of a Tupperware party. The more your invited friends acting for, the greater the discount you will receive in the company store.
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Senior Management
- Sebastian Greenwood Global Project Manager for sitetalk
- John Ng General Manager for Unaico
- Steven Morley - Global Compliance Director of Unaico
- Kenny Lordlund Global Marketing Director of Unaico
- Thomas Nordlund Training Director of Unaico
- Haark Andreson Coo of Unaico holding Company
- Frank Ricketts Vice President of Unaico Holding Ltd.
- Rune Evenson Ceo of Unaico Holding Company
- Mr Dan Andresson President of Unaico Holdings.