Social Media News about sitetalk
After the huge outcries against SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act), the legislation was stopped at the last instant. The war between privacy and piracy goes on however, and new laws are expected to be put before congress within a very short time. The interesting fact is the power demonstrated by primarily the social medias in creating the protest storms that stopped SOPA.
Load of online account completed
We have now completed the backlog of "load my online account" requests that were submitted up to midnight 31st January. For all those who made a request and upgraded their "free membership" to Bronze or Gold before midnight 6th February, it is required that you send an email to by no later than 16th February, including your user name, ID number, and state Bronze or Gold. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY DONE THIS, PLEASE DO NOT SEND ANOTHER EMAIL AGAIN. Within the recognition programme up to the 31st January, we will award OFC's for the achievement of the Bronze/Gold status in the week 20th - 25th February. After completion of this process, all Members who within the new recognition programme are to be awarded "Merits" will have their Merits displayed in their Back Office the week commencing 27th Feb.
Notice for KYC extension
Please take note that the original dead line for submitting your KYC by the 29th of February 2012 has been extended until further notice. We will inform you with a minimum of two weeks before we set any new dead line. However, we firmly suggest that if you have not yet submitted your KYC that you do so as soon as possible to ensure your validation. We will be starting validation of KYC's for Europe on the 1st March. Many thanks for your understanding.
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Senior Management
- Sebastian Greenwood Global Project Manager for sitetalk
- John Ng General Manager for Unaico
- Steven Morley - Global Compliance Director of Unaico
- Kenny Lordlund Global Marketing Director of Unaico
- Thomas Nordlund Training Director of Unaico
- Haark Andreson Coo of Unaico holding Company
- Frank Ricketts Vice President of Unaico Holding Ltd.
- Rune Evenson Ceo of Unaico Holding Company
- Mr Dan Andresson President of Unaico Holdings.